ICE events: yay or nay?

ICE events: yay or nay?

Inter-Curricular Enrichment Events, commonly known by the acronym ICE, are hosted around campus to enlighten, entertain, and keep us informed.

Some students may question whether they are necessary. To a certain extent, I would say yes.

Before your eyes get all bug-eyed, let me explain: according to USC Aiken’s Website, ICE Events “are a university-wide initiative aimed at engaging USC Aiken students through a series of diverse curricular enrichment opportunities.”

In other words, these are the events that are to get students engaged around campus. What better way to get people into their major than through fun networking events?

Freshman Karissa Moreira firmly says, “I don’t think they are necessary.”

This is an understandable position to take regarding when important ICE events are scheduled and that for certain classes, a certain amount of ICE events are required to pass.

No one wants to be forced to attend an event that they are not interested in. However, the ICE events that pertain to our majors and furthering our experience in those fields are a complete necessity. All the information to help secure a decent paying job should be gathered like a fresh batch of carrots ready for harvest!

Secondly, the people that students are introduced to end up being important associates when the time is right. Though they may just seem like annoying messages in our email drives, ICE events are necessary, to an extent. The information provided in them is needed if there is to truly be any shot at gaining a successful career after we obtain our degrees.  



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