Communication department faculty to host workshop

Communication department faculty to host workshop

A workshop to gain knowledge on how to hold a difficult conversation is being offered Thursday Nov. 7 at 3:00 p.m in Penland room 106. 

According to the initial email sent out by Student Life, “once you leave this workshop you will be able to look at a situation and know how to appropriately handle it.”

This event is open to students of all majors. 

Ahmed Samaha, vice chancellor of student affairs, wrote in an email correspondence that “this is a topic that students have identified as one they would like to have more assistance with.”

Each year there are leadership and soft-skill workshops available. They are created with the intent to “better prepare our students for their career,” Samaha stated. 

Dr. Bing Han and Professor Elizabeth Webb from the communications department will be presenting this workshop. 

Samaha emphasized the importance of this skill. 

“It is one that everyone should have. Difficult conversations occur in all aspects of life (personal and professional).”

He also noted that this skill is one that professionals struggle with, making it even more difficult for younger professionals to manage. Because of this, it is a “great skill to learn about while in college.”

Image by Noelle Kriegel

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