Career fair expected to host over 80 organizations

Career fair expected to host over 80 organizations

USC Aiken’s annual career fair is less than a week away. On Feb. 20 from 1-4pm, the SAC gym will be filled organizations seeking USCA students that fit their company needs. 

The University implores that all students take advantage of this opportunity, offering résumé critiques, free résumé paper, and workshops to help make your best possible impression. 

Career Services Director Corey Feraldi says the advantages of attending an on-campus career fair include:

-     Meeting people and networking, which has continually proven to be the most successful avenue to employment!
-     The opportunity for Seniors to land a job before they graduate.
-     Helping to get you comfortable with walking up to an employer and talking about background and strengths. Learning how to present your professional side to an employer.
-     Exploring internships and part-time jobs for those not graduating. Even freshman should attend!
-     Asking questions about particular graduate programs you are considering.

The career fair is expected to have a great turnout where students will not only learn about organizations and what they offer, but the chance to meet and interact with employers since this doesn’t usually happen. 

“There are a lot of organizations that are looking to make connections with USC Aiken students… this is one of the best avenues for students,” Feraldi encourages. 

There are varying reasons why many graduates face the uncertainty of employment. The National Conference of State Legislatures’ 2019 records state “…the national unemployment rate rose to 4.0 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.”

Feraldi’s expectation is that “students find the need and importance for them to come…. and on the employers side hopefully they find a lot of students they make connections with that will benefit them along the line.”

It is common that many may not know exactly what these companies do especially without research. 

Students are encouraged to prepare for the event by researching the companies that interest them, print several copies of their résumé, and dress to impress their possible future employer. Tips on how to prepare for the career fair can be found on the university website:

 A list of organizations attending is located at




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