Pacer pillow talk: Sexual health options offered locally for students

Pacer pillow talk: Sexual health options offered locally for students

Welcome to a new recurring column about sexual health and wellbeing. I’ll be covering a different sex-related topic each week so that you can have safer, more informed, better sex.

This week, I’m going to clue you in about your sexual health options on and around campus, because safety is sexy. Condoms are available for free anytime the SAC is open. Just outside Student Health Services (behind the Starbucks) is a box where you can grab free condoms any time. Grab a few and keep them in your dorm so you don’t have to choose between sex and safety when the moment strikes. 

The benefits of condoms have been well-documented and widely extolled so I won’t waste too much of your time, but remember that they are the easiest and most accessible way to dramatically reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and becoming pregnant. 

Ladies should have condoms too! Do not rely on men to have condoms; you know they can’t always be trusted to be responsible. Keep some in your bag so you are always ready for whatever happens. 

Use them every time you have sex, and enjoy yourself knowing that you’re taking precautions to keep yourself healthy and safe.

Our on-campus health services unfortunately do not provide sexual health services for students, but the Aiken County Health Department does. ACHD provides low-to-no cost sexual health services including birth control, testing and treatment. At your discretion, they can also confidentially notify your recent sexual partners of positive test results so that they can get themselves tested.

In addition to condoms and health services, Hopehealth is offering free on-campus HIV testing on Feb. 27, Mar. 26 and Apr. 23 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the SAC Mezz. It only takes five minutes to get your results, and the peace of mind from a negative test is priceless.

I’ll be back with more … ahem … titillating topics throughout the semester but, as in all things, safety first. Remember that safety is sexy and have a good sex life!

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