Lander game brings Pacers triumph, loss

Lander game brings Pacers triumph, loss

The USC Aiken Women’s Basketball team won 75-55 against the Bearcats after a fiery first half.

The game started out with both teams fighting to get the ball down the court.

Pacers made the score 37-22 by the half and controlled the game until the end, getting a 20 point lead to win.

The two graduating teammates, Malik Taouil and Kwajelin Farrar, both scored 11 points, while the game highs went to freshman Chesney Gardner, at 22 points, and sophomore Madison Williams, at 15.

With only five active players, the USC Aiken men’s basketball team battled until the very end when Lander overtook them at 65-54.

Despite the grinding clock, penalties and a downsized team, the Pacers fought tooth and nail.

Near the end of the first half, senior Kyle Tackleberry’s astounding dunk brought them ahead at 27-25.

The crowd of Pacers pumped them up during the game, but the missing team members started to impact the game when Lander brought in backups during the second half. However, the home team wouldn’t back down, remaining close in score throughout the game.

The two high scoring players for this game were Shaquan Jules, scoring 13 points, and Kyle Tackeberry, with 20.

Though the Pacers lost this intense, back-and-forth game against Lander, their fight did not go unnoticed by the crowd of fans, who gave a standing ovation toward the end.

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