The science behind music while studying

The science behind music while studying

Finals week is here as we are getting close to summer. Me personally, when I study or do school work, I like to take my computer to a café and listen to music to help me concentrate on my work. Music helps me stay focused on my task, and it helps me not to be distracted.

Success with this depends on the person and the type of music. The benefits of music while studying are that it could be soothing, relaxing and the music in the background may improve your performance.

According to The Guardian, “the brain hasn’t really evolved to take in abstract information or spend prolonged periods thinking about one thing.“

This article mentions that a human’s brain has two systems. One is unconscious and the other one is conscious.

When working, your conscious mind focuses on the main tasks and your unconscious system causes you to lose your attention. That’s because your unconscious system stays online and scans for any distractions around you, like the sound of your parents’ laughing in the next room, or a dog barking outside.

That is why music helps you focus during work. It works as an attention grabber for your unconscious mind. “It’s much like giving small children a new toy to play with while you’re trying to get some work done without them disturbing you,” Dean Burnett said in his article.

Music has proven to help reduce pain. A 2014 study showed that music reduced pain in patients with fibromyalgia. The research proves that music help increase, and trigger the release of opioids also known as body’s natural pain relievers.

Depending on what music you listen to, it could help decrease stress according to a Psychological Association study in 2013. The study shows that music helps children feels less pain while getting an IV inserted.

The type of music you listen to, and the type of work you are important too. It’s normal if you listen to classical music while studying, but it would be strange if you were to listen to rock music. We are about to enter the final week of this semester.

Studying for exams is going to be as stressful as always and with remote learning some students find very little to no motivation to study or do work. Listening to music is an option that some of us should consider doing while studying for exams.

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