USC Aiken COVID-19 spring mitigation, continued caution-taking by adminstration

USC Aiken COVID-19 spring mitigation, continued caution-taking by adminstration

This spring, those in charge of keeping our campus healthy are working to continue to provide a safe semester.

According to Dr. Daren Timmons, provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs, “We had a very successful fall semester with good adherence to our Ready, Set, Return Mitigation Plan.”

The plans for the Spring semester will be comparable to that of the Fall.

“Our plans for Spring are very similar – wear masks, keep physical distance whenever possible and wash hands frequently,” said Timmons.

Those staying on campus were required to have COVID testing before returning, and testing options have been made available on campus as well. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) saliva testing is currently available at the Convocation Center.

“This is a saliva test, quick and easy,” said Cindy Gelinas, director of the health clinic. “[Students] can pre-register before going, there is no charge and they only need to provide ID; no insurance verification is needed.”

A nasal swab test is also available at the Student Health Center, located in SAC 106.

“In general,” said Gelinas, “the quickest results and easiest way to take the test is going to be by utilizing the Convocation Center testing site.”

Classes are still being held both remotely and in-person.

“We do continue to offer a number of blended or hybrid classes which allow for more physical distancing in the classroom,” said Timmons. “And we had a process for students to request a fully online Spring semester.”

Students are not yet required to take the COVID vaccine, but decisions are in the process of being made.

“We will inform the campus when more information becomes available,” said Gelinas.

Besides providing the nasal swab test, the Student Health Center remains available to full-time and part-time students for their general health needs.

“Students can be seen in the SHC for common health issues including, but not limited to: stomachache, earache, colds, coughs, flu, skin irritations, etc.” Gelinas said.

According to Gelinas, any student with an appointment at the SHC will be pre-screened for COVID symptoms and they must wear a mask and use hand sanitizer upon entering. Visits to the health center come at no cost to the student.

“Visits to the SHC are free,” said Gelinas, “but appointments are required by calling (803) 641-2840.”

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