Album Review: Norman Fucking Rockwell! by Lana Del Ray

Album Review: Norman Fucking Rockwell! by Lana Del Ray

Lana Del Ray has been an icon that many people have heard of because of her utilization of her voice in music. She brings this spirit of love and sorrow in her songs and this is shown especially in the album Norman Fucking Rockwell!

“Doin’ Time” is a song that brings in that classic Lana Del Ray aesthetic. It brings out her mellow voice which works so well to soothe the audience and the rhythm behind the song helps to bring out the meaning of the words. The song shares that summer can feel so easy sometimes but there are times when it feels like we are having to “do time” much like the title says and it can be a reference to the heat.

The song “Love song” is another great song from the album. It brings this feeling of a past love, thanking them for all the experiences they have been through. It shares Lana Del Ray’s longing for the past and the experiences they brought which really turned the love into a love song. The sharing of that experience pulls at the heart if you have ever felt heartbreak and it brings a sense of longing due to her view of love because of a past love of hers.

Lana Del Ray is skilled when it comes to her vocals and manages to find a rhythm that works to ensure her message is seen by everyone that listens. The album brings the thought of love and how it pulls at the heart in both our happiest moments and our saddest, but also how it forms us as people. This album, though a few years old, is something that can still stay well regarded today thanks to Lana Del Ray’s efforts in her album which helped make it a great listen.

Do you have an album you would like me to review from an artist or band? Please don’t be afraid to reach out to me through email at and send give me some recommendations for future weeks!

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