The Question of Third-Party Tools in Final Fantasy XIV

The Question of Third-Party Tools in Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy 14’s latest ultimate raid has gotten its world first clear revoked after an internal investigation.

After a video of the team “UNNAMED_”’s progression leaked, it was soon discovered that the team had been using exploits to reveal more of the stage and visual indicators of their characters’ hitboxes. This allowed them to have unfair advantages and, ultimately, granted them the ability to clear first.

Naoki Yoshida, producer and director of FFXIV, made an official statement condemning the use of all third-party tools after the video spread among the community.

Yoshida writes that he has “never permitted the use of these tools.”

Third-party tools aren’t strictly limited to having the upper hand with gameplay. Mods are often used by players to add quality-of-life features or change aesthetic features of the environment or their character.

“I find myself appreciating the creativity and freedom it can lend to certain niches of FFXIV’s community…Whether its someone being better able to express themselves or learning how to perfect their playing.” -Newt Vancouer

While some enjoy using some of the modifications available, there are some who believe there is a fine line between what is acceptable to use.

“The point of an ultimate is that it's hard, not that you download a program and it tells you what to do,” said Martin Tenor.

What remains to be seen is if the team behind FFXIV will implement ways to detect the use of third-party tools.

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