Album Review: "Unreal Unearth" by Hozier

Album Review: "Unreal Unearth" by Hozier

Hozier released his new album “Unreal Unearth” on Aug. 18, 2023, which was highly anticipated due to four years having passed since his last album. This album is composed of 16 songs that all have hauntingly beautiful melodies and meanings. Hozier tackles the human experience and expresses various themes of self-discovery, sin, love and so much more. There are also various references to “Dante’s Inferno,” which creates a fascinating and unique album.

Hozier continues to create ethereal and majestic sounds with his one-of-a-kind voice, heavy instrumentals and incredible lyrics. Most songs on “Unreal Unearth” are very slow and heartfelt. 

“De Selby (Part 1)”

This is my favorite song on the album because it has such a unique sound to it. The song feels calming but also full of emotions. Hozier shows his impressive vocal range in this song. There is also a section of the song that is in Gaelic, which is not only beautiful but also pays homage to Hozier’s Irish heritage.

“At last, when all of the world is asleep. You take in the blackness of air. The likes of a darkness so deep that God at the start couldn’t bear. And sit unseen, with only the inner upheld. Your reflection can’t offer a word to the bliss of not knowin’ yourself. With all mirrorin’ gone from the world.” 


This is a song on the album that really stands out to me as well because it is beautiful and explores themes of love and loss. The lyrics within this song are extremely poetic as well.

“My life was a storm since I was born. How could I fear any hurricane?”

“When the heart would cease, ours never knew peace. What good would it be on the far side of things? It was too soon. When that part of you was ripped away. A grip takin[‘ hold like a cancer that grows. Each piece of your body that it takes.”

“I would not change it each time. Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I. I would not change it each time.”

“I, Carrion (Icarian)”

This is another song that I love on this album. The beginning has such a unique and beautiful sound that continues to add to the etherealness of the album. This song has a strong acoustic guitar line throughout it, which adds a beautiful rhythm. This song reminds me of a lullaby because it is so peaceful.

“I feel lighter than I have in so much time. I’ve crossed the borderline of weightless. One deep breath out from the sky I’ve reached a rarer height now that I can confirm. All our weight is just a burden offered to us by the world.”

“And though I burn, how could I fall when I am lifted by every word you say to me? If anything could fall at all, it’s the world that falls away from me.”

I highly recommend checking out this album if you have not yet. This is my favorite album to release this year due to the uniquely ethereal sounds that Hozier creates. The lyrics throughout the entire album are also extremely poetic, beautiful and thoughtfully written.

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