Clinicals, studying, restrictions: COVID-19 as a major obstacle for nursing students

Clinicals, studying, restrictions: COVID-19 as a major obstacle for nursing students

Every semester comes with new obstacles, but this semester poses a unique challenge for nursing students.

“This semester has been like any other, and yet has its own challenges,” said Callaghan Walker, a senior nursing student. “It is tough to attend nursing school, my senior practicum, work and figure out where I will live and work following this semester.”

The complications of COVID have made studying as a nurse much more complicated.

“As a nursing student, the beginning of COVID was a difficult time. We were all taken by surprise and for a while there was a lot of confusion,” said Walker. “However, as a nurse you must adjust when things get difficult because, like in life, the clinical setting slows down for no one.”

Ashley McCray, also a senior nursing student, said, “This semester has been the most challenging for me. There is more responsibility that has been added to my plate.

“It’s a balancing act of maintaining my school duties, my organization participation and my work schedule,” she described.

“Nursing school is already demanding and the professors hold us to a high standard, but even more is expected of us since we are seniors and soon to be nurses,” McCray finished.

Because of COVID protocols, learning in a hands-on setting is still less accessible for these students.

McCray said, “This semester we have been able to have in person lecture, skills lab and go into the hospitals, but it has still been difficult because certain healthcare facilities are restricting students’ access for safety reasons. It has been a major adjustment and the pandemic has taught me to be flexible!”

Most of our nursing students are looking forward to the end of the semester and the seniors reportedly are excited about graduation.

“I look forward to graduating and getting to begin my career as a nurse. I love helping people and I cannot wait to do just that,” said Walker.

“I keep reminding myself, only one more semester,” said McCray. “I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!”

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