Are We Safe on This Campus?

Are We Safe on This Campus?

Non-students trespassed into campus housing, but nothing is going to be done about it.  

In the middle of October, female students reported men knocking on their door and asking for different things while videotaping. One student stated they were claiming to be Resident Mentors, RMs, and asking to come into their room. Another student stated that she saw them walking around the dorms during the day, only confronting women students.  

When confronted by real RMs, the men stated that they weren’t students and nothing else. However, they told the campus police that they were ‘TikTok pranksters.’ With the police believing these strangers, nothing is going to be done.  

Many students who live on campus feel differently, however. As stated on page four in the USCA Pacer Alert packet, located on, these men showed signs of suspicious behavior: 

“A person(s) going door to door in a residence hall or office,” “car or person(s) repeatedly circling an area,” “a person(s) who photographs, videotapes, sketches or asks detailed questions about power plants, buildings, bridges, hospitals, utility infrastructure, etc” and “a person(s) who doesn't belong, gaining, or trying to gain access to a restricted area.” 

When looking over this safety packet, it doesn’t say anything about what the campus police will do when a student reports these behaviors. Many students stated that they feel the police don’t do anything besides give out parking tickets. That when a real threat happens, they believe strangers rather than their own students.  

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