Introducing The Town Square A Literary Magazine: A new, student-led publication

Introducing The Town Square A Literary Magazine: A new, student-led publication

The Town Square, A Literary Magazine was founded in February by Samantha Taylor, a junior pursuing a Bachelor’s degree of fine arts in creative writing. Taylor, who is also the Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the magazine, says that the organization stems from “a passion for the art of writing.”

Taylor created The Town Square to give writers more opportunities to have their voices heard. The magazine was also created with veterans and military service members in mind.

“I was frustrated by the lack of interaction that I had been getting from literary journals as a young writer,” said Taylor, “At the same time, I saw a need for local veterans and military service members to connect with creative therapeutic resources. I decided to be a part of the solution by creating (a literary magazine) that accepts works from authors of all backgrounds and walks of life.”

Taylor’s responsibilities include reviewing and choosing the submissions that are posted, managing and creating the website and social media accounts as well as business and administrative duties.

“One of the main things that I enjoy about The Town Square is being able to talk to authors about their work throughout the submission process,” she said.

The Town Square is a literary magazine that accepts submissions from everyone, even those who do not attend USC Aiken: “Being that we are not directly affiliated with USCA, student status does not qualify or disqualify a person from being able to submit their work,” said Taylor.

The magazine is looking for poetry, short stories and flash fiction to be posted on their social media and website. The first volume is projected to be published in December 2023. “We have eclectic tastes and welcome pieces on a wide variety of topics,” she said.

“We highly encourage both veterans and active service members to submit their work alongside their civilian counterparts. As a US Army veteran, I understand and empathize with the mental and physical struggles that come with having served and with reintegrating into society,” said Taylor, “The Town Square sets itself apart by working to be a resource for local veterans and service members, connecting them with creative therapeutic resources.”

Currently, the magazine is only accepting submissions for its social media and website. Submission information can be found at They are hoping to be ready to accept submissions for the first print edition in January 2023.

The Town Square will be hosting a community reading event on April 19th from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the SAC Mezz featuring Roy Seeger and Dr. Andrew Geyer.

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