January Horoscope + Greek Origins of the January Signs

January Horoscope + Greek Origins of the January Signs

What better way to start off the new year than to pick everyone’s brain about Zodiac signs and their Greek origins. 

Capricorn’s are represented by the sign of the sea goat ,a mythological creature with the body of a goat and the tail of a fish, or just a goat. In Greek Mythology the sign of Capricorn is represented by the God Pan. Pan was essentially half man, half goat and extremely promiscuous, supporting the stereotype for Capricorn’s. 

The story continues as Pan is rushing to escape a Typhon, a giant creature with the upper body of a man but the legs of snakes, and runs into the water. Upon entering the water, Pan was turned into a fish from the waist down where the water had reached. After saving his father, Zeus, from this Typhon he was granted a constellation in his honor. Capricorn. 

Aquarius are represented by the symbol of the water-bearer. Although it is an air sign, it’s commonly confused to be a water sign because of the name and symbol. The most common origin story associated with this sign is that of Zeus and Aquarius. In this story, Zeus was unhappy with humanity so he ordered his son, Aquarius, to destroy them all with a flood. In the end, most humans died due to the flood but he spared two people and these two people revived humanity. With Aquarius being the literal water bearer, the sign Aquarius was given the symbol. 

January kicks off with the continuation of Capricorn season, beginning Dec. 22, and ends with Aquarius, Jan. 20. The astrological season change as well as events taking place within the planets cause a slight shift in personality. 

Through the first half of the month, one might feel like energy associated with Capricorn while in the second half there may be more Aquarius influence.

Capricorns are known to be hard workers which in most cases leads them to being overachievers, sometimes pushing themselves to great lengths just to say they were able to get something done without any help. Along with being direct and blunt in tone they’re also very sensitive and not too good at taking criticism. The months of December and January are good to them.

Aquarius season finishes off in February, but their January lifespan isn’t short lived. Just like other air signs, Aquarius’ are known to come with a natural sarcastic flair. They’re great friends and motivators but only in times where they feel like having social interactions, extremely independent (sometimes to a fault).

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