The process of music production
With the rise in the accessibility of music via streaming platforms, online discourse and social media, the once intriguing and aloof process of producing your own music has been stripped of its mystique. A few simple Google searches can set anyone up to make their own beats and make their own music with very little equipment. Nowadays, the only thing needed to make beats is a laptop or computer and access to a digital audio workstation (DAW).
While it is possible to find incredibly comprehensive digital audio workstations for free, finding a subscription for a preferred workstation will be incredibly beneficial. Some of the most used workstations are Audacity, Garageband, Ableton and Fruity Loops, some of which have free trials or even full, free versions.
The process of making music in a digital audio workspace can appear daunting at first, but once again, the internet is a friend. For virtually any digital audio workspace, there are countless YouTube videos offering step-by-step tutorials on how to use and be more effective with your digital audio workspace.
Making music is a very fun and fulfilling experience and even if you do not have a lot of experience with music, it is something that everyone can try their hand at. Making beats is a fun way to express your creativity, and it can lead you to finding a new passion!