My Weekly Workout Routine

My Weekly Workout Routine

I typically work out about three to four days a week depending on my schedule.

*REMEMBER to always stretch before any type of working out *

  1. I start off with some light cardio just to wake my body up. By running on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes long with an incline of “2.0” and a speed of “6.3”.

  2. Next, I go on the hip abduction machine and do 50 reps at my own pace with the pounds set to 140. 

  3. After finishing my reps on the hip abduction machine I go to the ab abduction machine and do 50 reps with the weight being on 9. 

  4. The fourth part of my routine (before the machine was out of order) is to do 50 reps on the leg press machine with the weight being on 8. 

  5. After doing all that work I grab a yoga mat and do some “at home” workouts upstairs in the dance room.

  6. Throughout this routine, I use my resistance band to help enhance the workout.

  7. I start off by doing 40 reps of dog kicks breaking it down to 20 reps for each leg

  8. Then I jump right into leg kicks doing 40 reps breaking it down to 20 reps each leg. 

  9. Ending off my routine with side-to-side squats. Going from one end to the other doing 40 steps in total.

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